
Who are we

The team behind Arkana and ENSO wines products is a small group of enthusiastic professionals, who believe that every step of the process counts for the creation of the magic of the drinks. Our team manages to successfully combine the traditional knowledge of production of high-quality drinks with modern technologies. Thanks to the modern technologies and equipment available to the distillery, we follow the trends of the new generation, but adhere to the production philosophy embedded in the traditions of our folk.

Dilyana Vasileva
Dilyana Vasileva

Viticulture and winemaking have always been part of her family, with her ancestors being among the investors in the Sungurlarski Misket Cooperative. The first steps towards wine and brandy were from her childhood years - her grandfather "introduced" her to the vineyard in Sungurlare, and her father is a recognized master brandy maker. From them he learns that an extremely important prerequisite for a good final product is the quality raw material, the starting material. "We had a vineyard for wine and a vineyard for brandy, and there was no way the two could mix." He applies these practical skills to the vineyards in Lesichovo, which are grown solely for the production of brandy. He believes in working with, and not against, nature, so the approach to the vineyards and the distillery is based on the principles of organic production.

"Rakia is an institution in our country, but unfortunately there is a lot of speculation about what it is and how to make good rakia. I want to show the true face of brandy - pure and without any additives at any stage of its production - from the grapes to the distillate.

Mariana Galabova
Mariana Galabova

She is a wonderful organoleptic and perfectly navigates the sensory characteristics of the products she produces. He knows that the production of brandy, like wine, begins in the vineyard, so you will find it both in the vineyards and in the distillery, strictly monitoring the quality of the grapes and grape juice.

She was born in Plovdiv, where she graduated from the UHT as an engineer, master oenologist, and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree with a specialization in high-alcohol beverages at the same university. Her conviction that wine and brandy begin in the vineyard motivated her to complete a second master's degree - this time at the Agricultural University in Plovdiv - agronomist in the international specialty Plant Protection.

Mariana is from the latest generation of winemakers, a true MAGICIAN (as her initials are) for whom every subsequent vintage is exciting and inspiring. She's not afraid to experiment with products and follow her dreams wherever they lead her.

Mariana is a rocker at heart and in her free time she likes to ride her bike and go to concerts.

Denislav Balevski
Denislav Balevski

Eng. Denislav Balevski is the production director of Seewines Spirit with many years of experience in various high-tech industries, and in particular in the production of bioethanol and ethanol for the food industry.

He obtained his qualification as a Master of Engineering at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, and gained practical experience over the past 18 years, passing through various management positions in well-established Bulgarian and international companies.

In the industry related to the production of high-alcohol beverages, he is extremely attracted by long-lasting traditions, susceptibility to innovation and opportunities for development. Inspired by the challenge of creating and producing new high-quality products, Denis skillfully manages his team and closely monitors the efficiency and achievement of consistently high quality in the production processes.

Two interesting facts strongly define Denis's personality:

 – has accumulated experience as a bartender, which helps him a lot during tastings his passion for music in his youth met him with many musicians,

 – expands his musical worldview and even makes him part of a vocal-instrumental group.

Христо Нихтянов
Христо Нихтянов

Born and raised in Plovdiv, it is no coincidence that after graduating from the French High School in the city, Hristo continued his studies at UHT, specializing in Wine and high-alcohol beverages.

His passion for wine and high-alcohol drinks was born from his early years, when as a child he spent his summers in the villages of Tsalapitsa and Dragomir. It is here that he closely observes his grandfathers as they make their wine in friendly competition and wishes he could be like them. From them I remember that each wine has its strengths and weaknesses, but each one is special in its own way.

Hristo's winemaking dream takes him to different places in the world and in our country - from the internship in several wineries near his hometown, through Slovakia, and to California, Sonoma.

The culture of the spirit and much of its secrets he discovers while working in one of the largest ethanol factories in the Balkan Peninsula, but he is just beginning to delve into the mystery of brandy and the philosophy of Arcana.

He loves the vastness of the mountains and forests, their beauty and tranquility, and in his free time he either searches for new and unknown places or indulges in the magical music of wine.

Rusen Nedev
Rusen Nedev

The agronomist on the Seawines Spirit team. In addition to being responsible for the company's vineyards in Lesichovo, he also holds a management position at the Agricultural University - Plovdiv.

At Seawines Spirit feels not only free to make his decisions and bear his responsibility, but also valued - both as a person and as a professional. He is attracted to the way of working in the vineyards - with care for nature and future heirs. The sparing approach to growing the plants inspired him to experiment with different, alternative viticultural practices in the fight against enemies and pests in the vineyards.

In his free time, he also likes to challenge himself, and so he goes on a rafting experience, even though he can't swim.

Ivan and Delo
Ivan and Delo

Ivan and Delo are the assistant winemakers – or in other words, the people through whose hands every part of the production process passes, be it machine or manual. Their ability to optimize production activities often helps us in stressful times. Korenyak-lesichovci, both of them have accumulated experience in printing, the knowledge of which they apply both in the selection of design and materials, and in the very labeling of the products we produce. Delo is an avid motorcyclist and when the weather is good, he never fails to ride his bike through the surrounding hills.

Дело Шишиньов
Дело Шишиньов

Дело Шишиньов е другият ни техник-винар и запален моторист, при хубаво време не пропуска да разходи мотора си из околните хълмове. Той заедно с Иван е човек през чиито ръце минава всяка частичка от производствения процес. Има невероятно търпение и винаги разведрява напрегнатата обстановка с шеги, за да върви работата по-леко. Кореняк лесичовец, а заедно с Иван имат натрупан опит в печатарството, знанията от който прилагат както при избора на дизайн и материали, така и при самото етикетиране на продукцията, която произвеждаме.